obsession. That is, an approach incapable of seeing the relationship =
between the policies of migration and the increasing trade off, due to =
globalisation, between northern and southern nations; and again, an =
approach that subordinates the fundamental human rights to the needs of =
the labour market and to the interests of economics.=20
Even though various proposals about the integration of the migrants and =
about the asylum question have been discussed, the only certain measures =
that the EU has adopted are the ones destined to underpin the European =
fortress and to foster repressive politics: these measures indeed have =
been presented as the pivotal tool for fighting against illegal =
immigration and to govern migrations.=20
As it appears evident, the guarantee of the rights of citizenship for =
foreign people, but also for the people regularly fixed on a territory =
constitutes the last concern of Europe. The notion of European =
citizenship, proposed for the European Chart of Right is indeed a very =
narrow conception of citizenship: it is only conferred to native =
citizens. The millions of migrants that reside in Europe permanently and =
that contribute to the European cultural and economic wealth are =
destined to be lacking rights: at the most they could, in some =
countries, benefit from the permission of limited, conditioned and =
partial rights.
The role of the movements=20
The movement of the Italian migrants has been capable of combining in =
the last year the protest against the segregationist logic of =
Berlusconi's government, that proposes the judicial social, civil and =
political apartheid of migrants; the refusal of the reduction of =
migrants to labour goods with the defence of the rights of the Italian =
and foreigners workers; the fight against the neo-liberal globalisation =
e the demand of a free circulation of people; the claim of a different =
system of re-distribution of the world wealth together with the defence =
of the basic human rights.=20
This capacity of putting in its proper context the theme of the rights =
of citizenship and of the rights of the migrants in the agenda of the =
movement against globalisation constitutes the most relevant news. The =
theme of migration has finally come to be taken by the movement as a =
cross-cutting question, connected to the processes of the re-structuring =
and de-structuring of the labour market and to the policies of welfare =
The European Social Forum allows us nowadays to make a huge improvement: =
the construction of a European movement of migrants and for the rights =
of migrants, able to oppose to the idea of 'Europe as exclusion' an =
alternative 'open Europe', the latter being a multicultural, =
'half-breed', built upon radically different principles, like as:
- the guarantee of the right to migrate and to enter Europe;=20
- the free circulation for everybody, including the citizens of =
'third countries';
- The regularisation of all the 'sans-papier';
- the idea of an 'inclusive' citizenship, which has to be not only =
formal , but also civil and social and, so being, able to guarantee =
civil, social and political rights to all the people that live in a =
specific territory permanently;
- the guarantee of an equality of rights for all the work-force =
and the introduction of measures for the safeguard of the exploitation =
of foreign workers (included those precarious and/or without contract);
- the guarantee of the right to ask for asylum.
It's our opinion that our debate in Florence should be focused =
analitically on three pivotal themes. First of all, the new regime of =
borders that has spread over Europe in the last decade, the =
repercussions of which on both the outside (the so-called 'domino =
effect' through which it moves towards east and south, firstly involving =
those countries which are prospective EU members) and the inside =
(flourishing of detention centres and expulsion systems and tendency to =
introduce hierarchies in European societies).
Second thing, the movements of migrant people and for the rights of =
migrants which already exist in Europe; we have to focus upon their =
features, their spheres of action and forms of demonstration. Finally, =
we have to discuss the migrant labour in its increasing relevance for =
the composition of the European workforce and the experience of =
mobilisation that are growing bigger everywhere, from Spain to Italy.=20
We propose that those who are going to take part in the Florence =
Assembly discuss together the necessity of building a European movement =
for the rights of migrant people through which promoting initiatives, =
mobilisations and common campaigns next year. It has to be not yet =
another formally organised network but, rather, a real channel of =
political communication and exchange of knowledge, experiences and =
fights. As to us, we will indicate three crucial points concerning which =
the movement should express itself in Europe.=20
The right to migrate=20
No economic, political and social reasons can justify the deprivation of =
the freedom to emigrate, which is acknowledged to everybody by the =
articles 13 and 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Should =
a campaign having as its main priority the introduction of mechanisms =
for the permanent regularisation of those able to constitute a basis for =
social integration be put into effect, the order of priorities in the =
European agenda would be overturned. The rights of migrants cannot be =
subordinated to the interests of the work donor. The policies for =
entrance cannot be made contingent. And the militarization of the =
borders fosters the traffic of human beings, the irregular immigration =
and the concealed labour, instead of fighting them.
No detention=20
Detention centres are the symbol of the neoliberal policies of =
criminalisation of migrants: in Woomera (Australia) and Sangatte =
(France), Ponte Galeria (Rome) and Malaga (Spain), Machester (UK) and =
Zurich (Swiss), they are always places of suspension of the rights and =
one of the principal means by virtue of which the governments try to =
render repressive policies against the migrants effective.
Women and men are detained for months in jails, guarded by military =
forces and bounded by barded wire, just because they are guilty of =
having sought a better life.
We propose a European campaign for closing such centres of detention and =
blocking the construction of new structures (in Turin, in November the =
30th 2002, a street demonstration against one of these centres will take =
The right of asylum=20
Since the Gulf war, the world governments have decided to re-legitimate =
the use of war as an instrument for the resolution of international =
controversies. The intervention in Kosovo determined the introduction =
of the allegedly 'humanitarian war'. And after September the 11th, they =
have contrived a device for justifying, once again, the indiscriminate =
use of weapons against the civilians: the so-called 'preventive war'.
But the refugees and the people asking for asylum -who, for the great =
majority, are the direct consequences of these wars- have their right of =
asylum denied every single day. We propose to start a European campaign =
for the effective guarantee of the right of asylum for all those who are =
persecuted for political reasons, regardless of the nature of the =
prosecutor. This campaign should ask the EU to adopt policies that bound =
the member states to uniform their systems of reception and policies of =
integration of people asking for asylum and refugees as soon as =
We invite all the organisations and European movements which are =
interested in taking part to the Florence Assembly -that will take place =
on November the 8th from 18 to 21 inside the Fortezza da Basso - to send =
us their contributes. In a preparatory meeting, on November the 7th in =
the Arci Centre in Piazza dei Ciompi 11 at 12 am, we are going to meet =
each other and organise the main event together. Hence, we strongly =
believe that everybody should immediately make both comments and =
criticisms to our own proposal and short info sheets on specific, =
'local' situations known to all the others.=20
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<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message -----=20
<DIV style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black"><B>From:</B> <A=20
title=3Dnetworkasilo.ics(a)tin.it =
href=3D"mailto:networkasilo.ics@tin.it">ICS -=20
network asilo</A> </DIV>
<DIV><B>To:</B> <A title=3DUndisclosed-Recipient:;=20
href=3D"mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;">Undisclosed-Recipient:;</A> =
<DIV><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:01 PM</DIV>
<DIV><B>Subject:</B> (ICS news asilo - 31/10/2002) - Documento Tavolo=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Carissimi,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>vi inoltriamo il testo del documento =
del tavolo=20
migranti dei Social Forum Italiani, preparatorio all'assemblea europea =
migranti che si terra' a Firenze in occasione del Forum Sociale=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ringraziamo Grazia Naletto di Lunaria =
per avercelo=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Cordiali saluti</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Maria Silvia Olivieri</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV align=3Dcenter><FONT size=3D2><B>Forum Sociale Europeo<BR>Assemblea =
europea dei=20
migranti<BR>Firenze, Fortezza da Basso, 8 novembre 2002 h. 18.00-20.30=20
<BR>Documento preparatorio del Tavolo migranti dei Social Forum=20
Italiani<BR><BR></B></FONT></DIV><FONT size=3D2>In Italia, come in molti =
paesi europei, come in Australia e negli Stati Uniti, i governi hanno =
ormai da tempo come priorit=E0 la predisposizione, l’affinamento e =
l’armonizzazione di politiche nazionali e regionali di chiusura =
delle frontiere=20
e di lotta alla “immigrazione clandestina”.<BR>Il =
superamento del modello=20
"fordista" di produzione, la riduzione dell'offerta di lavoro nel =
industriale tradizionale, il rallentamento dei processi di crescita =
principali economie, il conseguente<B> </B>aumento della disoccupazione=20
all'interno degli stessi paesi del cosiddetto Primo mondo spingono gli =
economicamente pi=F9 forti a controllare e limitare la circolazione di =
Oltre a queste ragioni strutturali, va considerata la tendenza ormai =
nella gran parte dei paesi europei a fare un uso politico e ideologico =
del tema=20
del controllo e della limitazione dell’immigrazione: i =
</I>razzisti dell’ “invasione”, degli immigrati =
come fonte di insicurezza=20
per i nazionali, della “clandestinit=E0” come sinonimo di =
criminalit=E0 sono=20
abitualmente adoperati come “moneta” da spendere sul mercato =
utilizzata a piene mani dai partiti di destra, ma contesa anche da =
partiti di=20
sinistra. <BR>Tutto<B> </B>ci=F2 avviene mentre nei tanti Sud ed Est del =
mondo il=20
processo di globalizzazione ha favorito e continua a determinare la =
crisi e=20
l'indebolimento delle economie locali, l'aumento dei tassi di povert=E0, =
con la=20
conseguente moltiplicazione dei cosiddetti effetti di =
“spinta” alle migrazioni,=20
nonch=E9 con l'aumento del numero dei paesi di emigrazione. Non solo. Al =
stesso, i movimenti migratori degli ultimi anni mostrano un grado =
crescente di=20
relativa <I>autonomia</I>, configurandosi spesso come una vera e propria =
strategia di organizzazione “dal basso”, in una dimensione =
della riproduzione sociale di ampi settori “subalterni” in =
paesi che il comando=20
capitalistico continua a confinare alla periferia del sistema =
contraddizione esistente tra il carattere strutturale del fenomeno =
(prodotto proprio dall'attuale modello di sviluppo) e le politiche di =
adottate dai governi dei paesi pi=F9 ricchi =E8 accentuata dal processo =
segmentazione della domanda di lavoro: anche in presenza di =
permane nei paesi “ricchi” del pianeta uno squilibrio tra =
domanda e offerta di=20
lavoro locale soprattutto nelle fasce pi=F9 instabili, precarie e a =
qualificazione del mercato del lavoro. In Malesia, in Europa, in =
Argentina come=20
negli Stati Uniti, i migranti sono prevalentemente chiamati ad occupare =
di quella che in modo elegante viene definita “economia =
informale”, ma che molto=20
spesso coincide con il mondo del lavoro nero o tutt’al pi=F9 =
caratterizzato dall’assenza di una formalizzazione del rapporto di =
lavoro e=20
delle “garanzie” che ne derivano. E’ proprio per =
queste ragioni che, dal punto=20
di vista della globalizzazione capitalistica, non vi =E8 contraddizione =
l’adozione di politiche di chiusura all’immigrazione e la =
persistenza di una=20
domanda di lavoro non soddisfatta dall’offerta interna. Le =
politiche di chiusura=20
delle frontiere, la restrizione dei canali di ingresso regolare, la=20
precarizzazione della condizione giuridica degli stranieri attraverso=20
l’irrigidimento delle norme sul soggiorno, il mancato =
riconoscimento dei diritti=20
di cittadinanza, sono funzionali all’utilizzo dei migranti come =
manodopera a=20
basso costo, altamente ricattabile e dunque pi=F9 =
“flessibile” e facilmente=20
“espellibile”. Presentate come lo strumento principale per =
l’immigrazione irregolare, le politiche anti-immigrazione dei =
governi mondiali=20
non fanno altro che alimentarla.<BR>Occorre dunque prendere atto che le=20
migrazioni internazionali hanno assunto un carattere strutturale e sono =
integrante dell'attuale modello di sviluppo economico e allo stesso =
ribadire che =E8 sbagliato parlare di una loro esplosione. I governi del =
mondo ne=20
sono ben consapevoli ma hanno tutto l’interesse ad adottare =
restrittive perch=E9 vogliono mantenere la libert=E0 di assorbire o =
manodopera straniera a basso costo e ci=F2 =E8 pi=F9 facile impedendo =
agli immigrati=20
di entrare legalmente sul proprio territorio e negando loro uno status =
certo. L’illegalit=E0 costringe i migranti ad accettare qualsiasi =
lavoro, a=20
qualsiasi condizione, permette di escluderli dai sistemi di protezione =
sociale e=20
di negare politiche di integrazione.<BR>Le politiche migratorie a =
globale sono dunque caratterizzate da una limitazione (totale o =
parziale) delle=20
migrazioni economiche legali, dalla moltiplicazione delle cause di =
alla frontiera e di espulsione, dalla negazione sostanziale del diritto =
di asilo=20
riconosciuto dalla Convenzione di Ginevra del 1951, dalla concentrazione =
risorse pubbliche nel rafforzamento delle forze di polizia alle =
frontiere, dalla=20
carenza di politiche pubbliche di accoglienza e di integrazione e dallo=20
smantellamento di quelle esistenti, dalla costruzione di quelli che in =
Italia si=20
chiamano centri di permanenza temporanea, ma in Australia e in Gran =
sono pi=F9 esplicitamente definiti “centri di detenzione”: =
veri e propri campi, in=20
cui vengono detenuti immigrati, ma anche richiedenti asilo, che non =
commesso nessun reato ma hanno l’unica “colpa” di non =
avere il permesso di=20
soggiorno.<BR><BR><B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>Le politiche=20
europee<BR></FONT></B><FONT size=3D2>L’impegno a =
“comunitarizzare” le politiche in=20
materia di immigrazione e asilo nell’arco di cinque anni risale =
all’entrata in=20
vigore del Trattato di Amsterdam (maggio 1999). Ma l’unico =
versante su cui i=20
governi dell’Unione Europea sembrano agire in sintonia, sia a =
livello politico=20
che tecnico, e ancora prima di una effettiva armonizzazione delle =
politiche a=20
livello formale, =E8 quello delle politiche di ammissione e di =
all’immigrazione illegale”. <BR>Da Tampere a Siviglia questa =
=E8 stata, senza=20
soluzione di continuit=E0, l’ossessione dell’Europa, secondo =
un approccio che non=20
coglie (o non vuole cogliere) il nesso esistente tra le politiche =
migratorie e=20
lo squilibrio crescente, prodotto dal processo di globalizzazione, tra i =
Nord e=20
i Sud del mondo e che, soprattutto, sceglie di subordinare i diritti =
fondamentali delle persone alle esigenze del mercato del lavoro e agli =
economici.<BR>Sebbene siano state presentate diverse proposte di =
direttiva in=20
materia di integrazione dei migranti e di asilo, le sole misure adottate =
in via=20
definitiva sono quelle destinate a rafforzare la Fortezza Europa e ad =
attuare le=20
politiche repressive, presentate in modo pretestuoso come il principale=20
strumento di lotta all’immigrazione illegale e di gestione delle=20
migrazioni.<BR>Come appare del tutto evidente, in questo contesto, la =
dei diritti di cittadinanza degli stranieri, anche di quelli =
presenti sul suo territorio, costituisce l’ultima delle =
dell’Europa. La cittadinanza europea, proposta nella Carta europea =
dei diritti =E8=20
una cittadinanza escludente, riconosciuta solo ai cittadini autoctoni. I =
di migranti che risiedono in Europa stabilmente<B> </B>e contribuiscono =
alla sua=20
ricchezza economica e culturale<B> </B>sono destinati a rimanere privi =
diritti: tutt’al pi=F9, in alcuni paesi, beneficiano della =
“concessione” del=20
godimento, limitato e condizionato, di alcuni diritti civili e sociali.=20
<BR><BR><B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>Il ruolo dei =
size=3D2>Il movimento dei migranti italiano ha saputo intrecciare =
nell’ultimo anno=20
la protesta contro la logica segregazionista del governo Berlusconi, che =
l’apartheid giuridico, sociale, civile e politico dei migranti, =
con il no ad=20
ogni tipo di guerra; il rifiuto della riduzione dei migranti a =
merce-lavoro con=20
la difesa dei diritti dei lavoratori italiani e stranieri facendo =
propria la=20
battaglia per la difesa dell’articolo 18 dello Statuto dei =
lavoratori; la lotta=20
contro la globalizzazione neoliberista e la richiesta della libera =
delle persone; la rivendicazione di un sistema diverso di ripartizione =
ricchezze del pianeta con la difesa dei diritti umani =
la capacit=E0 di contestualizzare il tema dei diritti di cittadinanza e =
diritti dei migranti nel quadro del movimento contro la globalizzazione=20
capitalistica costituisce la novit=E0 pi=F9 rilevante: il tema delle =
migrazioni =E8=20
finalmente assunto dal movimento come una questione trasversale, =
connessa ai=20
processi di ristrutturazione e destrutturazione del mercato del lavoro e =
politiche di abbattimento del welfare.<BR>Il Forum Sociale Europeo =
consente oggi=20
di compiere un ulteriore e ormai improrogabile salto di qualit=E0: la =
di un movimento europeo dei migranti e per i diritti dei migranti, =
capace di=20
contrapporre all’Europa escludente dei governi un’Europa =
alternativa aperta,=20
pluriculturale, “meticcia” fondata su principi radicalmente =
diversi, quali ad=20
esempio: =
<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>la=20
garanzia del diritto a migrare e a entrare in=20
Europa;<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>la =
circolazione per tutti, compresi i cittadini di “paesi=20
terzi”;<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TA=
regolarizzazione a regime di tutti i=20
sans-papiers<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB=
di una cittadinanza inclusiva, non solo formale, ma civile e sociale =
capace di=20
garantire a tutti coloro che risiedono stabilmente in un determinato =
pieni diritti politici, sociali,=20
civili;<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>la =
di uguali diritti per tutti i lavoratori e l’introduzione di =
misure che tutelino=20
dallo sfruttamento i lavoratori stranieri, compresi quelli precari e =
contratto di=20
lavoro;<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>la =
piena del diritto di asilo.<BR><BR>La nostra discussione a Firenze =
dovrebbe a=20
nostro avviso concentrarsi in particolare, dal punto di vista analitico =
su tre=20
grandi temi: in primo luogo sul <B>nuovo regime di frontiera</B> che si =
=E8 andato=20
affermando in Europa nell’ultimo decennio, di cui dovranno essere =
indagate le=20
ripercussioni sia verso l’esterno (il cosiddetto effetto domino, =
attraverso il=20
quale esso si irradia verso est e verso sud, coinvolgendo in primo luogo =
i paesi=20
candidati a entrare nell’Unione europea) sia verso l’interno =
(proliferazione dei=20
centri di detenzione, sistemi di espulsione, ma anche tendenza a =
stratificazioni gerarchiche all’interno della cittadinanza nei =
singoli paesi=20
europei); in secondo luogo sui <B>movimenti dei migranti e per i diritti =
migranti</B> che si esprimono in Europa, di cui si dovranno censire le=20
caratteristiche, lo spettro d’azione e le forme di mobilitazione; =
infine sul=20
<B>lavoro migrante</B>, di cui riteniamo dovranno essere discusse sia la =
rilevanza crescente all’interno della composizione della forza =
lavoro europea=20
sia le esperienze di mobilitazione e di lotta che cominciano ad =
dalla Spagna all’Italia.<BR><BR>Proponiamo a coloro che =
all’assemblea di Firenze di ragionare <B>insieme intorno</B> alla =
necessit=E0 di=20
costruire un movimento europeo per i diritti dei migranti che veda nel =
anno la promozione di iniziative, mobilitazioni e campagne comuni: non =
una nuova=20
rete, formalmente organizzata, ma prima di tutto un canale reale di=20
comunicazione politica, di circolazione dei saperi, delle esperienze e =
lotte. Per parte nostra, indichiamo tre punti fondamentali attorno a cui =
movimento dovrebbe esprimersi in Europa:<BR><BR><U></FONT><FONT =
diritto a migrare<BR></FONT></U><FONT size=3D2>Nessuna ragione =
economica, politica=20
o sociale pu=F2 giustificare la privazione della libert=E0 di emigrare, =
riconosciuto a tutti gli uomini e le donne dall’art. 13 e 14 della =
Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo. Una campagna che mettesse =
all’ordine del=20
giorno l’introduzione di <B>meccanismi di regolarizzazione =
permanente</B> per=20
coloro che riescono a costruire percorsi di integrazione lavorativa e =
ribalterebbe l’ordine di priorit=E0 dell’agenda =
europea: i diritti dei=20
migranti non possono essere subordinati agli interessi dei datori di =
lavoro, le=20
politiche di ingresso contingentate e la militarizzazione delle =
alimentano il traffico di esseri umani, l’immigrazione irregolare =
e il lavoro=20
nero, anzich=E9 combatterli.<BR><BR><U></FONT><FONT size=3D2>No=20
detention<BR></FONT></U><FONT size=3D2>I centri di detenzione sono il =
della politica neoliberista di criminalizzazione dei migranti: a Woomera =
(Australia) come a Sangatte (Francia), a Ponte Galeria come a Malaga, a=20
Manchester come a Zurigo sono luoghi di sospensione del diritto e uno =
principali strumenti di attuazione delle politiche repressive nei =
confronti dei=20
migranti. Donne e uomini vengono trattenuti per mesi in vere e proprie =
difese da militari armati e da reti di filo spinato, con la sola colpa =
di aver=20
osato cercare una vita migliore. Proponiamo di lanciare a livello =
europeo una=20
<B>campagna per la loro chiusura</B> e per bloccare la costruzione di =
strutture (a <B>Torino</B>, il <B>30 novembre 2002</B> si svolger=E0 una =
manifestazione proprio contro uno di questi =
size=3D2>Il diritto di asilo<BR></FONT></U><FONT size=3D2>Dalla guerra =
del Golfo in=20
poi i governi mondiali hanno scelto di rilegittimare l’uso della =
guerra come=20
strumento di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali, con =
l’intervento in=20
Kossovo hanno inventato la “guerra umanitaria”, dopo =
l’attacco dell’11 settembre=20
hanno trovato nella “guerra al terrorismo” un <I>escamotage =
</I>per giustificare=20
una volta per tutte l’uso indiscriminato delle armi contro le =
popolazioni civili=20
con la cosiddetta “guerra preventiva”. Ma i profughi e =
i richiedenti=20
asilo, che in buona parte, di quelle e di molte altre guerre sono la =
conseguenza, vedono negato ogni giorno il diritto di asilo. Proponiamo =
il lancio=20
di una campagna europea per <B>l’effettiva garanzia del diritto di =
asilo</B> a=20
qualsiasi persona perseguitata per motivi politici, anche da soggetti =
statali e per chiedere all’Unione Europea l’adozione in =
tempi brevi di direttive=20
che vincolino gli stati membri ad uniformare, al livello pi=F9 alto, i =
sistemi di accoglienza e le politiche di integrazione dei richiedenti =
asilo e=20
dei rifugiati. <BR> <BR>Invitiamo tutte le organizzazioni e i =
europei interessati a partecipare </FONT><B><FONT =
size=3D2>all’Assemblea di=20
Firenze</FONT><FONT color=3D#ff0000 size=3D2> </FONT><FONT size=3D2>che =
si svolger=E0=20
l'8 novembre (dalle 18 alle 21) all’interno della Fortezza da=20
Basso</B>,</FONT><FONT color=3D#ff0000 size=3D2> </FONT><FONT size=3D2>a =
inviarci i=20
loro contributi. In una <B>riunione preparatoria</B>, che si svolger=E0 =
il <B>7=20
novembre</B> <B>presso la sede dell’Arci, piazza dei Ciompi 11 =
alle ore=20
12.00</B>, ci ritroveremo per conoscerci e organizzeremo insieme questo=20
appuntamento. Riteniamo intanto utile che comincino a circolare testi e=20
documenti, sia nella forma di commenti e critiche alla nostra proposta =
sia nella=20
forma di sintetiche schede informative sulle singole situazioni=20
<DIV align=3Dcenter><B>Forum Social Europ=E9en<BR>Assembl=E9e =
europ=E9enne des=20
migrants<BR>Florence, Fortezza da Basso, 8 novembre 2002 =
h<BR><BR>Document pr=E9paratoire de la Table migrants des Forums Sociaux =
Italiens<BR><BR></B></DIV>En Italie, ainsi que dans la plupart des pays=20
europ=E9ens, mais aussi en Australie comme dans les Etats-Unis, les =
ont depuis longtemps pris la m=EAme direction: le perfectionnement et=20
l’harmonisation des politiques nationales et r=E9gionales de =
fermeture des=20
fronti=E8res et la lutte contre “l’immigration =
clandestine”. <BR>Le d=E9passement du=20
mod=E8le “fordiste” de production, la r=E9duction de =
l’offre d’emplois dans le=20
secteur industriel traditionnel, le rallentissement des processus de =
des principales =E9conomies, l’augmentation cons=E9quente du =
chomage au sein des=20
pays du Premier monde poussent les Etats =E9conomiquement plus puissants =
contr=F4ler et =E0 limiter la circulation des travailleurs.<BR>Outre ces =
structurelles, il faut consid=E9rer la tendance d=E9sormais consolid=E9e =
dans la=20
plupart des pays europ=E9ens =E0 faire un usage politique et =
id=E9ologique du th=E8me du=20
contr=F4le et de la limitation de l’immigration: les <I>topoi =
</I>racistes de=20
“l’invasion”, des immigr=E9s consid=E9r=E9s comme =
source d’ins=E9curit=E9 pour les=20
nationaux, de la “clandestinit=E9” comme synonime de =
criminalit=E9 sont fortement=20
utilis=E9s par les partis de droite sur le march=E9 =E9lectoral, mais =
=E9galement par=20
certains partis de gauche.<BR>Tout cela a lieu tandis que dans les =
nombreux Sud=20
et Est du monde le processus de globalisation a favoris=E9 et continue =
d=E9terminer la crise et l’affaiblissement des =E9conomies =
locales, l’augmentation=20
des taux de pauvret=E9, et la cons=E9quente “pouss=E9e” des =
migrations ainsi que=20
l’augmentation du nombre des pays d’o=F9 partent les =
migrants. En m=EAme temps, les=20
mouvements migratoires de ces derni=E8res ann=E9es montrent un niveau =
d’autonomie, et r=E9v=E8lent une v=E9ritable strat=E9gie =
d’organisation =E0 partir “du=20
bas”, dans une dimension “transnationale”, de la =
reproduction sociale de=20
nombreux secteurs “subalternes” dans des pays qui restent =
rel=E9gu=E9s dans la=20
grande banlieue du syst=E8me global.<BR>La contradiction existante entre =
caract=E8re structurel du ph=E9nom=E8ne migratoire (produit par le =
mod=E8le actuel de=20
developpement) et les politiques de fermeture adopt=E9es par les =
gouvernements des=20
pays plus riches est accentu=E9e par le processus de segmentation de la =
d’emploi: la pr=E9sence du chomage dans les pays riches =
n’=E9vite pas le=20
d=E9s=E9quilibre entre la demande et l’offre sur la march=E9 du =
travail local, surtout=20
pour les emplois plus instables, pr=E9caires et sans qualification. En =
en Europe, en Argentine comme dans les Etats-Unis, les migrants sont =
surtout =E0 occuper le secteur que l’on d=E9finit de fa=E7on =
=E9l=E9gante “=E9conomie=20
informelle”, mais qui souvent correspond au monde du travail au =
noir ou=20
pr=E9caire, c’est =E0 dire sans garanties. C’est pour ces =
raisons que, du point de=20
vue de la globalisation capitaliste, il n’y a pas de =
contradictions entre=20
l’adoption de politiques de fermeture face =E0 l’immigration =
et la persistance=20
d’une demande d’emplois insatisfaite par l’offre =
interne. Les politiques de=20
fermeture des fronti=E8res, la restriction des possibilit=E9s =
d’entr=E9e r=E9guli=E8re, la=20
pr=E9carisation de la condition juridique des =E9trangers par le biais =
durcissement des normes sur le s=E9jour, l’absence de =
reconnaissance des droits de=20
citoyennet=E9 sont fonctionnels =E0 l’utilisation des migrants =
comme main-d’oeuvre =E0=20
bas prix, fortement “flexible” et que l’on peut =
facilement expulser. Ainsi les=20
politiques anti-immigration pr=E9sent=E9es par les gouvernements =
mondiaux comme=20
=E9tant l’instrument principal contre l’immigration =
ill=E9gale ne font en r=E9alit=E9=20
que l’alimenter.<BR>Il faut donc prendre acte que les migrations =
ont assum=E9 un caract=E8re structurel et sont partie int=E9grante du =
mod=E8le actuel de=20
d=E9veloppement =E9conomique et que ce ph=E9nom=E8ne n’est pas en =
train d’exploser. Les=20
gouvernements du monde en sont tout =E0 fait conscients mais leur =
int=E9r=EAt est=20
celui d’adopter des politiques restrictives pour maintenir la =
libert=E9 d’absorber=20
ou d’expulser une main-d’oeuvre =E9trang=E8re =E0 bas prix, =
priv=E9e de ses droits.=20
L’ill=E9galit=E9 oblige les migrants =E0 accepter n’importe =
quel emploi, =E0 n’importe=20
quelles conditions et permet de les exclure des syst=E8mes de protection =
et de nier toute politique =
d’int=E9gration. <BR>Au niveau=20
global les politiques migratoires sont donc caract=E9ris=E9es par une =
(totale ou partielle) des migrations =E9conomiques l=E9gales, par une =
des causes de refoulement =E0 la fronti=E8re et de successive expulsion, =
par la=20
n=E9gation du droit d’asile reconnu par la Convention de Gen=E8ve =
de 1951, par la=20
concentration des ressources publiques pour le renforcement des =
contr=F4les au=20
fronti=E8re, par le manque de politiques publiques d’accueil et =
d’int=E9gration et=20
le d=E9mantellement de celles existantes, par la construction en Italie =
de centres=20
de permanence temporaire, que l’on d=E9finit en Australie et en =
Grande Bretagne de=20
fa=E7on plus explicite “centres de d=E9tention”: de =
v=E9ritables camps dans lesquels=20
les immigr=E9s y sont d=E9tenus, y compris les demandeurs d’asile, =
sans avoir commis=20
aucun d=E9lit mais “coupables” de pas avoir de permis de =
politiques europ=E9ennes<BR></B>L’engagement =
pour“harmoniser” les politiques en=20
mati=E8re d’immigration et d’asile dans une p=E9riode de =
cinq ans commence avec=20
l’entr=E9e en vigueur du Trait=E9 de Amsterdam (1999). Mais le =
seul versant sur=20
lequel les gouvernements de l’Union Europ=E9enne semblent avoir =
trouv=E9 un=20
v=E9ritable accord, soit au niveau politique que technique, est celui =
politiques de “lutte contre l’immigration =
ill=E9gale”.<BR>De Tampere =E0 S=E9ville on=20
retrouve cette m=EAme obsession de l’Europe, suivant une approche =
qui ne saisit=20
pas (ou ne veut pas saisir) le lien existant entre les politiques =
migratoires et=20
le d=E9s=E9quilibre croissant, produit par le processus de =
globalisation, entre les=20
Nord et les Sud du monde et qui choisit de subordonner les droits =
des personnes aux exigences du march=E9 du travail et aux int=E9r=EAts=20
=E9conomiques.<BR>Bien que diff=E9rentes propositions en mati=E8re =
d’asile et=20
d’int=E9gration des migrants aient =E9t=E9 pr=E9sent=E9es, les =
seules mesures jusqu’i=E7i=20
adopt=E9es de fa=E7on d=E9finitive sont celles destin=E9es =E0 renforcer =
la Forteresse=20
Europe et =E0 r=E9aliser les politiques r=E9pr=E9ssives d=E9finies comme =
principal de lutte contre l’immigration ill=E9gale et de gestion =
migrations.<BR>Dans ce contexte il para=EEt =E9vident que la garantie =
des droits de=20
citoyennet=E9 des =E9trangers, m=EAme de ceux qui ont une position =
r=E9guli=E8re, ne=20
repr=E9sente pas une priorit=E9 pour l’Europe. La citoyennet=E9 =
europ=E9enne, propos=E9e=20
dans la Carte europ=E9enne des droits, est en fait une citoyennet=E9 =
r=E9serv=E9e aux autochtones. Les millions de migrants qui vivent de =
fa=E7on stable en=20
Europe et qui contribuent =E0 sa richesse =E9conomique et culturelle =
sont destin=E9s =E0=20
rester priv=E9s de droits: ils b=E9n=E9ficient tout au plus dans =
certains pays de la=20
“concession” limit=E9e et conditionn=E9e de quelques droits =
civils et=20
sociaux.<BR><BR><B>Le r=F4le des mouvements<BR></B>Au cours de cette =
ann=E9e, le=20
mouvement des migrants italien a su tenir ensemble la protestation =
contre la=20
logique s=E9gr=E9gationniste du gouvernement de Berlusconi, qui propose =
juridique, social, civil et politique des migrants, et le refus =E0 tout =
type de=20
guerre; la d=E9fense des droits des travailleurs italiens et =E9trangers =
et celle de=20
l'article 18 du Statut des travailleurs; la lutte contre la =
n=E9olib=E9riste et la promotion de la libre circulation des personnes; =
revendication d’un nouveau syst=E8me de r=E9partition des =
richesses sur la plan=E8te=20
et la d=E9fense des droits humains.<BR>La capacit=E9 de contextualiser =
le th=E8me des=20
droits de citoyennet=E9 et des droits des migrants dans le cadre du =
contre la globalisation capitaliste constitue la v=E9ritable =
nouveaut=E9: la=20
question des migrations est devenu un th=E8me transversal, li=E9 aux =
processus de=20
restructuration et de d=E9structuration du march=E9 du travail et aux =
politiques de=20
d=E9molition du welfare.<BR>Le Forum Social Europ=E9en permet =
aujourd’hui de faire=20
un pas ult=E9rieur et n=E9cessaire: la construction d’un mouvement =
europ=E9en des=20
migrants et pour les droits des migrants, capable d’opposer =E0 =
une Europe=20
excluante une autre Europe, ouverte, pluriculturelle, =
“m=E9tisse”, fond=E9e sur des=20
principes radicalement diff=E9rents, tels que:<BR></FONT><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
garantie du droit =E0 la migration et =E0 l’entr=E9e en =
face=3D"Times New Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
>la libre=20
circulation pour tous, y compris les citoyens des “pays =
face=3D"Times New Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
r=E9gularisation de tous les sans-papiers;<BR><FONT face=3D"Times New =
Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
d’une citoyennet=E9 incluante, non seulement formelle, mais civile =
et sociale=20
capable de garantir les droits politiques, sociaux et civils =E0 tous =
ceux qui=20
vivent de fa=E7on stable sur un territoire;<BR><FONT face=3D"Times New =
Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
garantie des m=EAmes droits pour tous les travailleurs et =
l’introduction de=20
mesures de protection contre l’exploitation des travailleurs =
=E9trangers, y=20
compris les pr=E9caires et ceux qui n’ont pas de contrat de =
face=3D"Times New Roman, Times"=20
size=3D2>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB></FONT=
pleine garantie du droit d’asil.<BR><BR><BR>Notre discussion =E0 =
Florence devrait=20
=E0 notre avis se concentrer sur trois grands th=E8mes: en premier lieu =
sur le=20
<B>nouveau r=E9gime de fronti=E8re</B> qui s’est affirm=E9 en =
Europe cette derni=E8re=20
d=E9cennie, analysant soit les r=E9percussions vers l’ext=E9rieur =
(l’effet domino vers=20
l’est et le sud, et en particulier vers les pays candidats pour =
entrer dans=20
l’Union europ=E9enne) soit vers l’int=E9rieur =
(prolif=E9ration des centres de=20
d=E9tention, syst=E8mes d’expulsion, mais =E9galement la tendance =
=E0 introduire des=20
stratifications hi=E9rarchiques au sein de la citoyennet=E9 dans les =
diff=E9rents pays=20
europ=E9ens); deuxi=E8mement sur les <B>mouvements des migrants et pour =
les droits=20
des migrants</B> qui s’expriment en Europe, leurs =
caract=E9ristiques, leur rayon=20
d’action et les diff=E9rentes formes de mobilisation; et enfin sur =
le <B>travail=20
migrant</B> dont il faudrait =E0 notre avis analyser l’importance =
croissante qu’il=20
assume au sein du monde du travail europ=E9en ainsi que les =
exp=E9riences de=20
mobilisation et de lutte qui commencent =E0 s’accumuler, de =
l’Espagne =E0=20
l’Italie.<BR><BR>Nous proposons =E0 tous ceux qui participeront =
=E0 l’assembl=E9e de=20
Florence de raisonner<B> ensemble</B> sur la n=E9cessit=E9 de construire =
mouvement europ=E9en pour les droits des migrants qui soit capable =
prochaine de promouvoir des initiatives, des mobilisations et des =
comunes: non pas un nouveau r=E9seau, avec une organisation formelle, =
mais plut=F4t=20
une voie de communication politique, de circulation des savoirs, des =
et des luttes. Pour ce qui nous concerne nous indiquons trois points=20
fondamentaux sur lesquels le mouvement devrait s’exprimer en=20
Europe:<BR><BR><U>Le droit =E0 la migration =
raison =E9conomique, politique ou sociale peut justifier la privation de =
libert=E9 d’=E9migrer, droit reconnu =E0 toutes les femmes =
et les hommes par les=20
articles 13 et 14 de la D=E9claration Universelle des Droits de =
l’Homme. Une=20
campagne qui soutiendrait l’introduction de m=E9canismes de =
permanente pour tous ceux qui r=E9ussissent =E0 construire un parcours =
dans la soci=E9t=E9 d’accueil renverserait les priorit=E9s de =
l’agenda europ=E9enne: les=20
droits des migrants ne peuvent pas =EAtre subordonn=E9s aux int=E9r=EAts =
entreprises; les politiques des quotas strictes et la militarisation des =
fronti=E8res alimentent le traffic d’=EAtres humains, =
l’immigration irr=E9guli=E8re et=20
le travail au noir, au lieu de le combattre.<BR><BR><U>No =
centres de d=E9tention sont le symbole de la politique n=E9olib=E9riste =
criminilisation des migrants: =E0 Womera (Australie) comme =E0 Sangatte =
(France), =E0=20
Ponte Galleria (Italie) comme =E0 Malaga, =E0 Manchester comme =E0 =
Zurich ce sont des=20
lieux de suspension du droit et instrument principal des politiques =
vis =E0 vis des migrants. Femmes et hommes sont souvent gard=E9s pendant =
des mois=20
dans de v=E9ritables prisons, munies de barbel=E9s et contr=F4l=E9es par =
des militaires=20
arm=E9s. Nous proposons de lancer une campagne europ=E9enne pour la =
fermeture de ces=20
centres et pour bloquer la construction de nouvelles structures de ce =
genre (A=20
Turin, le 30 novembre 2002 il y aura lieu une manifestation contre un de =
centres).<BR><BR><U>Le droit d’asile<BR></U>A partir de la guerre =
du Golfe les=20
gouvernements mondiaux ont choisi de donner une nouvelle l=E9gitimit=E9 =
l’utilisation de la guerre comme instrument de r=E9solution des =
internationaux, avec l’intervention au Kossovo ils ont invent=E9 =
la “guerre=20
humanitaire”, apr=E8s l’attaque du 11 septembre ils ont =
trouv=E9 dans la “guerre au=20
terrorisme” l’escamotage pour justifier d=E9finitivement =
l’utilisation des armes=20
contre la population civile avec la soi-disant “guerre =
pr=E9ventive”. Mais les=20
r=E9fugi=E9s et les demandeurs d’asile, qui sont en partie la =
cons=E9quence de ces=20
guerres et de beaucoup d’autres, b=E9n=E9ficient rarement du droit =
d’asile. Nous=20
proposons d’organiser une campagne europ=E9enne pour <B>une =
garantie certaine du=20
droit d’asile</B> =E0 toute personne pers=E9cut=E9e pour des =
raisons politiques, m=EAme=20
par un sujet non =E9tatique, et pour demander =E0 l’Union =
l’adoption rapide d’une r=E9solution qui engage les Etats =
membres =E0 uniformiser=20
les propres syst=E8mes d’accueil et les politiques =
d’int=E9gration des demandeurs=20
d’asile et des r=E9fugi=E9s.<BR><BR>Nous invitons toutes les =
organisations et les=20
mouvements europ=E9ens int=E9ress=E9s =E0 participer =E0 =
<B>l’Assembl=E9e de Florence qui se=20
d=E9roulera le 8 novembre (de 18 =E0 21 h) =E0 l’int=E9rieur de la =
Fortezza da=20
Basso</B>, =E0 nous faire parvenir leurs documents. Au cours d’une =
pr=E9paratoire</B>, qui se d=E9roulera le <B>7 novembre au si=E8ge de =
l’ARCI, 11=20
piazza dei Ciompi, =E0 12 heures</B>, nous nous retrouverons pour =
conna=EEtre et organiser ensemble cet =E9vennement. Nous pensons =
qu’il puisse =EAtre=20
utile faire circuler d=E8s maintenant des textes et des documents, soit =
sous forme=20
de commentaires et de critiques =E0 notre proposition, soit sous forme =
de donn=E9es=20
sur les situations “locales”. <BR><BR>
<DIV align=3Dcenter> <B>Migrants European Assembly<BR>Florence =
November the=20
8<SUP>th</SUP> 2002 6-8.30 p.m.<BR>Draft by the Table of migrants of the =
Social Forum<BR><BR><BR></B></DIV>In Italy, as in other European =
Australia and the USA, the governments have assumed the national and =
policies of closing borders and fight against ‘clandestine =
immigration’ as=20
priorities. The overcoming of Fordist model of production, the cut of=20
labour-supply in the traditional manufacture sector, the slow-down of =
the growth=20
in the main economies, the consequent increase of the unemployment =
within the=20
countries belonging to the so-called First World; all these factors push =
most powerful States to control and limit the circulation of the =
<BR>Beyond such structural reasons, one has to consider also the =
tendency in western societies to make a political and ideological use of =
theme of the control and limitation of immigration: the ordinary racist =
view of=20
immigration as ‘invasion’, of the immigrant as a source of =
danger and of=20
clandestinity as synonymous of criminality, is often used as a =
convenient tool=20
for electioneering.<BR>All this happens while in the south and east of =
the world=20
the process of globalisation determines the crisis of the local =
economies and=20
the increase of the poverty rate: the consequences are the =
multiplication of the=20
migratory fluxes and of the number of countries they originate from. At =
the same=20
time the migratory movements in recent years have shown an increasing =
degree of=20
<I>autonomy, </I>becoming a form of organization ‘from =
below’. That is, a=20
trans-national mechanism which fosters sociality exactly where it is put =
by the capitalistic powers.<BR>The existing contradiction between the =
dimension of the migration phenomenon (produced by the present model of=20
development) and the policies of closing borders adopted by the =
governments of=20
the richest countries are fostered by the segmentation process of =
even in the presence of unemployment, a trade off between the local =
supply and=20
demand of labour still exists in the richest countries, especially as =
the most vulnerable, less qualified and more precarious people. <BR>In =
Europe, Argentina and the USA, the migrants are mostly asked to work in =
the area=20
which is defined most elegantly as ‘informal economy’, an =
area that, indeed,=20
often overlaps with moonlighting or, at most, casual labour, =
characterised by=20
the absence of a contract and its guaranties. <BR>For this very reasons, =
the point of view of the capitalistic globalisation, there is no =
between the adoption of policies of restriction of immigration and the=20
persistency of a labour demand not covered by the internal supply. =
policies of closing borders, the restriction of the regular entry =
channels, the=20
dismantlement of the judicial status of foreigners by means of the =
adoption of=20
stricter rules, the lack of acknowledgment of the rights of citizenship: =
this is functional to utilising migrants as low-cost workers, highly =
subject to=20
blackmail and, hence, more ‘flexible’ and more viable to be =
expelled. Therefore,=20
the policies on immigration, usually presented as the best instrument =
fighting the irregular immigration, are indeed the very first cause that =
immigration.<BR> So we have to take note that international =
migrations have=20
assumed a structural dimension and have become an integral part in the =
model of economic development (even though we have to reaffirm =
speaking of a very explosion of them is wrong). The governments are =
aware of such facts but they have also an interest to adopt restrictive=20
policies: what they truly want is to maintain the liberty to absorb or =
expel low=20
cost workforce as they like and this happens to be easier by forbidding =
migrants to come legally in our territories and by denying them any =
judicial status. The illegality forces migrants to accept any job at any =
condition, and allows governments to exclude them from the social =
systems and policies of integration. <BR>The migration policies at a =
level are then characterised by a limitation (total or partial) of the =
economic migrations; by the multiplication of the excuses of the turning =
down of=20
people at the frontiers; by the denial of the substantial right of =
(envisaged by the Geneve Convention of 1951); by the concentration of =
funding in the reinforcement of the police armies guarding the =
frontiers; by the=20
lack of public policies of hospitality and integration (and by the =
of the few existing ones); by the construction of those which are called =
‘temporary permanence centres’ in Italy and but that in =
Australia and UK, more=20
truly, ‘detention centres’. These are genuine camps in =
which not only=20
immigrants are detained, but also people just asking for asylum, who =
committed anything wrong but whose unique ‘fault’ is not =
having the residence=20
permit. <BR><BR><B>The European policies <BR><BR></B>The commitment of=20
‘rendering communitarian’ the policies regarding immigration =
and asylum within=20
the next five years, was taken with the coming into force of the =
Treaty (May 1999). But the sole theme as regard to which the European =
have appeared as capable to act harmoniously both at a political and a =
level (and even before an effective harmonisation of the policies at the =
level), has been the one concerning the policies of admission and fight =
illegal immigration. <BR>From Tampere to Sevilla this has been =
the Europe’s obsession. That is, an approach incapable of seeing =
relationship between the policies of migration and the increasing trade =
off, due=20
to globalisation, between northern and southern nations; and again, an =
that subordinates the fundamental human rights to the needs of the =
labour market=20
and to the interests of economics. <BR>Even though various proposals =
about the=20
integration of the migrants and about the asylum question have been =
the only certain measures that the EU has adopted are the ones destined =
underpin the European fortress and to foster repressive politics: these =
indeed have been presented as the pivotal tool for fighting against =
immigration and to govern migrations. <BR>As it appears evident, the =
of the rights of citizenship for foreign people, but also for the people =
regularly fixed on a territory constitutes the last concern of Europe. =
notion of European citizenship, proposed for the European Chart of Right =
indeed a very narrow conception of citizenship: it is only conferred to =
citizens. The millions of migrants that reside in Europe permanently and =
contribute to the European cultural and economic wealth are destined to =
lacking rights: at the most they could, in some countries, benefit from =
permission of limited, conditioned and partial rights.<BR><BR><B>The =
role of the=20
movements <BR><BR></B>The movement of the Italian migrants has been =
capable of=20
combining in the last year the protest against the segregationist =
logic of=20
Berlusconi’s government, that proposes the judicial social, civil =
political apartheid of migrants; the refusal of the reduction of =
to labour goods with the defence of the rights of the Italian and =
workers; the fight against the neo-liberal globalisation e the =
demand of a=20
free circulation of people; the claim of a different system of =
of the world wealth together with the defence of the basic human rights. =
<BR>This capacity of putting in its proper context the theme of the =
rights of=20
citizenship and of the rights of the migrants in the agenda of the =
against globalisation constitutes the most relevant news. The theme of =
has finally come to be taken by the movement as a cross-cutting =
connected to the processes of the re-structuring and de-structuring of =
labour market and to the policies of welfare demolition. <BR><BR>The =
Social Forum allows us nowadays to make a huge improvement: the =
construction of=20
a European movement of migrants and for the rights of migrants, able to =
to the idea of ‘Europe as exclusion’ an alternative =
‘open Europe’, the latter=20
being a multicultural, ‘half-breed’, built upon radically =
different principles,=20
like =
as:<BR><BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>the =
guarantee of the right to migrate and to enter Europe;=20
<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>the free=20
circulation for everybody, including the citizens of ‘third=20
countries’;<BR>-<X-TAB> </=
regularisation of all the=20
‘sans-papier’;<BR>-<X-TAB>  =
; </X-TAB>the=20
idea of an ‘inclusive’ citizenship, which has to be not only =
formal , but also=20
civil and social and, so being, able to guarantee civil, social and =
rights to all the people that live in a specific territory=20
permanently;<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB=
guarantee of an equality of rights for all the work-force and the =
of measures for the safeguard of the exploitation of foreign workers =
those precarious and/or without=20
contract);<BR>-<X-TAB> </X-TAB>t=
guarantee of the right to ask for asylum.<BR><BR>It’s our opinion =
that our=20
debate in Florence should be focused analitically on three pivotal =
themes. First=20
of all, the <B>new regime of borders</B> that has spread over Europe in =
the last=20
decade, the repercussions of which on both the outside (the so-called =
effect’ through which it moves towards east and south, firstly =
involving those=20
countries which are prospective EU members) and the inside (flourishing =
detention centres and expulsion systems and tendency to introduce =
hierarchies in=20
European societies).<BR>Second thing, <B>the movements of migrant people =
and for=20
the rights of migrants</B> which already exist in Europe; we have to =
focus upon=20
their features, their spheres of action and forms of demonstration. =
Finally, we=20
have to discuss the <B>migrant labour</B> in its increasing relevance =
for the=20
composition of the European workforce and the experience of mobilisation =
are growing bigger everywhere, from Spain to Italy. <BR>We propose that =
who are going to take part in the Florence Assembly <B>discuss =
together</B> the=20
necessity of building a European movement for the rights of migrant =
through which promoting initiatives, mobilisations and common campaigns =
year. It has to be not yet another formally organised network but, =
rather, a=20
real channel of political communication and exchange of knowledge, =
and fights. As to us, we will indicate three crucial points concerning =
which the=20
movement should express itself in Europe. <BR><BR><B>The right to =
<BR><BR></B>No economic, political and social reasons can justify the=20
deprivation of the freedom to emigrate, which is acknowledged to =
everybody by=20
the articles 13 and 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. =
Should a=20
campaign having as its main priority the introduction of<B> mechanisms =
for the=20
permanent regularisation </B>of those able to constitute a basis for =
integration be put into effect, the order of priorities in the European =
would be overturned. The rights of migrants cannot be subordinated to =
interests of the work donor. The policies for entrance cannot be made=20
contingent. And the militarization of the borders fosters the traffic of =
beings, the irregular immigration and the concealed labour, instead of =
them.<BR><BR><B>No detention <BR><BR></B>Detention centres are the =
symbol of the=20
neoliberal policies of criminalisation of migrants: in Woomera =
(Australia) and=20
Sangatte (France), Ponte Galeria (Rome) and Malaga (Spain), Machester =
(UK) and=20
Zurich (Swiss), they are always places of suspension of the rights and =
one of=20
the principal means by virtue of which the governments try to render =
policies against the migrants effective.<BR>Women and men are detained =
months in jails, guarded by military forces and bounded by barded wire, =
because they are guilty of having sought a better life.<BR>We propose a =
<B>campaign for closing such centres </B>of detention and blocking the=20
construction of new structures (in <B>Turin</B>, in <B>November the=20
30<SUP>th</SUP> 2002</B>, a street demonstration against one of these =
will take place). <BR><BR><B>The right of asylum <BR><BR></B>Since the =
Gulf war,=20
the world governments have decided to re-legitimate the use of war as an =
instrument for the resolution of international controversies. The=20
intervention in Kosovo determined the introduction of the allegedly=20
‘humanitarian war’. And after September the 11<SUP>th</SUP>, =
they have contrived=20
a device for justifying, once again, the indiscriminate use of weapons =
the civilians: the so-called ‘preventive war’.<BR>But the =
refugees and the=20
people asking for asylum -who, for the great majority, are the direct=20
consequences of these wars- have their right of asylum denied every =
single day.=20
We propose to start a European campaign for the <B>effective guarantee =
of the=20
right of asylum</B> for all those who are persecuted for political =
regardless of the nature of the prosecutor. This campaign should ask the =
EU to=20
adopt policies that bound the member states to uniform their systems of=20
reception and policies of integration of people asking for asylum and =
as soon as possible. <BR><BR>We invite all the organisations and =
movements which are interested in taking part to the <B>Florence =
Assembly -that=20
will take place on November the 8<SUP>th</SUP> from 18 to 21 inside the =
da Basso</B> - to send us their contributes. In a preparatory meeting, =
<B>November the 7<SUP>th</SUP> in the Arci Centre in Piazza dei Ciompi =
11 at 12=20
am</B>, we are going to meet each other and organise the main event =
Hence, we strongly believe that everybody should immediately make both =
and criticisms to our own proposal and short info sheets on specific, =
situations known to all the others. <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></BODY></HTML>