According to "Greg KH," co-maintainer of the 2.6.x.y series of important stability and security fixes, the Linux kernel does not suffer [1] from the much-hyped hyper threading vulnerability that affected the BSDs: " The main reason there have not been any updates, is that there really isn't a problem for the 2.6 kernel.
The original author has admited this finally, no one was ever able to reproduce it on a 2.6 kernel. The only reason I released a kernel update, was at the time, we thought there was an off-chance that there was a problem. However in further testing, it has not been the case." This confirms Linus's earler assertion[2].
marco ghidinelli wrote:
According to "Greg KH," co-maintainer of the 2.6.x.y series of important stability and security fixes, the Linux kernel does not suffer [1] from the much-hyped hyper threading vulnerability that affected the BSDs: " The main reason there have not been any updates, is that there really isn't a problem for the 2.6 kernel.
The original author has admited this finally, no one was ever able to reproduce it on a 2.6 kernel. The only reason I released a kernel update, was at the time, we thought there was an off-chance that there was a problem. However in further testing, it has not been the case." This confirms Linus's earler assertion[2].
UPDATE: Linus Torvalds has commented on this on the linux-kernel mailing list. He clearly doesn't understand the problem -- but in his defence, he's not a security guy. Hopefully the Linux developers who do understand security will talk some sense into him. Anche a me non e' chiaro :D qualcuno mi spiega cos'è un "dual-core" systems? un multiprocessore? ciao Bi0
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 02:22:35PM +0200, fabio deambrogio wrote:
qualcuno mi spiega cos'? un "dual-core" systems? un multiprocessore?
una cpu dual core sono due cpu sullo stesso pezzo di silicio, unico package, unico zoccolo. quindi un vero multiprocessore.
hyperthreading invece e' smp virtuale fatto a livello di cpu, ma la cpu e' single core.
cia Francesco
--- pivi ha scritto:
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 02:22:35PM +0200, fabio deambrogio wrote:
qualcuno mi spiega cos'? un "dual-core" systems?
un multiprocessore? una cpu dual core sono due cpu sullo stesso pezzo di silicio, unico package, unico zoccolo. quindi un vero multiprocessore.
hyperthreading invece e' smp virtuale fatto a livello di cpu, ma la cpu e' single core.
cia Francesco
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AMD con il socket 939 sulle cpu dual core rende le sue cpu compatibili con le mobo attualmente in commercio, mica poco, si può fare 1 upgrade con poco.
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